Reiki is a Japanese holistic healing therapy that uses the transfer of energy between a practitioner and client. Each person has a different experience but it always brings harmony to their body and mind. Clearing energy blockages is one of the main results of Reiki. When all energy flows freely, our bodies are able to function at full capacity. Reiki is based on keeping all positive energy in and releasing all the negative energy. With Reiki, not only does the client benefit from it, but so does the practitioner. When we transfer positive energy, we also receive it."
1 Hr Session - $125 + HST
1 Hr Session in the Salt Cave -
$150 + HST
A 30 minute treatment on a heated massage table, also includes essential oils for relaxation and an added scalp oil treatment (if requested).
The relaxing effect of Indian Head Massage may have a positive effect on your sleep by encouraging deeper, more restful sleep and helping to reduce insomnia.
When there is tension in the head, neck, shoulders and upper back, it can often lead to headaches and possibly migraines. Therefore, we focus mainly on these areas to reduce pain and inflammation.
30 Min Session - $75 + HST
Shiro-Abhyanga is Sanskrit for Head-Massage. First, your practitioner will discover your Dosha type with a short quiz for you to experience a customized massage approach to your scalp. They will also choose the essential oils to be added to the massage oil. This warm oil is generously massaged into your upper chest, neck and shoulders, poured over your third eye and massaged with various relaxation techniques into your head and hair. This treatment is divine and so relaxing! The benefits are to relieve stress, headaches, prevent hair loss as well as calm anxieties and overwhelm.
60 min treatment - $125 + HST
A 60-minute treatment focusing completely on your feet, laying on a nice heated massage table including a hot towel treatment, essential oils to enhance relaxation and reduce pain or inflammation. The purpose is to increase relaxation, improve sleep, better organ function and help circulation.
1 Hr - $125 + HST
A 60-minute treatment based on the ancient Indian belief in a series of seven chakras, or energy centers; Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel.
Chakra balancing is used to promote health by maximizing the flow of energy in the body. The Seven Chakras consist of: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown. If any of your chakras are blocked or partially blocked, you may feel heavy, tired, or possibly uneven in your body or mind.
Please call us for more information
and to book: 905-951-7258
60 Minute Session in the Cave with Nadia Gennaro. Divine channeled messages enlighten the client to refocus on their path towards living their soul's purpose and greatness. In these sessions with Nadia Gennaro are intuitively guided through the use of energy healing and/or oracle cards to connect with and channel your loved ones who have crossed over, your guardian angels and assigned spirit guides. Messages received are always for the highest good. This session empowers the client by releasing any emotional blockages, negative thinking patterns and self talk that hold them back from living their best life.
$150 + HST
Ear candling is a 30-minute holistic service, which involves placing a hollow candle (made from a fabric tube soaked in natural beeswax) in the external auditory canal. The candle is then lit and burned for about 15 minutes. Then repeated on the other ear. After the procedure is finished ear wax, debris, and bacteria is left in the candle stub.
$50+ HST
Symptoms that Ear Candling may treat
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Canadian Choice Award Winner 2025
Alternative Health Services